
The Rust implementation of the Aion kernel. You can interact with this kernel directly through the JSON RPC layer. Further documentation regarding the kernel can be found on the Aion Rust Kernel GitHub repository at

Native Ubuntu Installation

This section walks you through installing the kernel from a package. You can either generate your own package by building the kernel from source, or you can download a pre-built package from GitHub. We also made a quick video walking through how you can install the Rust kernel on your computer using Vagrant.

System Requirements

JAVA JDK 11^ and Apache Ant are required to Build and Install

To run the kernel, your computer must meet the following requirements.

These storage size requirements are estimates only. Since the databases for each network grow everytime a transaction is mined, these values will only increase in size.

Library Dependencies

The Rust kernel depends on the following libraries.

  • g++
  • gcc
  • libboost-all-dev (version 1.65.0 or higher)
  • libzmq3-dev
  • libjsoncpp-dev
  • python-dev
  • libudev-dev
  • llvm-4.0-dev

To install these dependencies, follow the steps for your version of Ubuntu.

Ubuntu 16.04

sudo apt update
sudo apt install g++ gcc libzmq3-dev libjsoncpp-dev python-dev libudev-dev llvm-4.0-dev -y

# Ubuntu 16.04 repositories only have libboost-1.58 while Aion Rust Kernel requires libboost-1.65.0.
# To build the correct version libboost in the system, run the following command:
sudo apt install wget lbzip2 cmake

# Get the source code libboost 1.65.1
tar xf boost_1_65_1.tar.bz2
cd boost_1_65_1

# Configure the library destination folder and install libboost 1.65.1
./ --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
sudo ./b2 install

# Install ZMQ
sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev -y

Ubuntu 18.04

sudo apt update

# Install Boost
sudo apt install g++ gcc libzmq3-dev libjsoncpp-dev python-dev libudev-dev libboost-all-dev llvm-4.0-dev

# Install ZMQ
sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev -y

Set Environment Variables

export JAVA_HOME=<jdk_directory_location>
export ANT_HOME=<apache_ant_directory>
export LIBRARY_PATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib/server
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib

Replace <jdk_directory_location> and <apache_ant_directory> with paths to your JDK and Apache Ant directory.

Build the Kernel

Once you have installed the prerequisites, follow these steps to build the kernel.

  1. Download the Aion Rust git repository:
git clone
cd aionr
  1. Build the kernel from source:
./scripts/ aionr-package

aionr-package is the name that will be given to the Rust package when it as finished building. You can set this to anything you want by changing the last argument in the script call:

./scripts/ example-package-name

The package takes about 10 minutes to finish building.

  1. When the build has finished, you can find the finished binary at package/aionr-package.

Run the Installation

  1. Navigate to the binary location:
cd package/aionr-package
  1. Run ./ You can find more information on supplying commands in the user manual. Kernel will print configuration path, genesis file path, db directory, and keystore location at the top of its log.
$ ./
> Create config file /home/aion/.aion/config.toml, you can modify it if needed
> 2019-01-23 09:12:40 Config path /home/aion/.aion/config.toml
> 2019-01-23 09:12:40 Load built-in Mainnet Genesis Spec.
> 2019-01-23 09:12:40 Keys path /home/aion/.aion/keys/mainnet
> 2019-01-23 09:12:40 DB path /home/aion/.aion/chains/mainnet/db/a98e36807c1b0211
> 2019-01-23 09:12:40
>              _____    ____    _   _
>      /\     |_   _|  / __ \  | \ | |
>     /  \      | |   | |  | | |  \| |
>    / /\ \     | |   | |  | | | . ` |
>   / ____ \   _| |_  | |__| | | |\  |
>  /_/    \_\ |_____|  \____/  |_| \_|
> 2019-01-23 09:12:40 Starting Aion(R)/v0.1.1.f9610e1/x86_64-linux-gnu/rustc-1.28.0
> 2019-01-23 09:12:40 Configured for Mainnet using POWEquihashEngine engine
> 2019-01-23 09:12:41 Genesis hash: 30793b4ea012c6d3a58c85c5b049962669369807a98e36807c1b02116417f823
> 2019-01-23 09:12:41 State DB configuration: archive
> 2019-01-23 09:12:41 Wallet API is disabled.
> 2019-01-23 09:12:41 local node loaded: 48859e8a-0717-4354-bd9e-447ed35f27ac@
> 2019-01-23 09:12:46 Listening on:
> 2019-01-23 09:12:46 Local node fill back!
> 2019-01-23 09:12:46 ======================================================== Sync Statics =========================================================

To launch aionR kernel with a specific network, run the launch script that matches the network you would like to run:




Configuration of these networks can be found in their corresponding directories. See more details about different kernel networks here.

Docker Image

This section covers how to configure and run the Aion Rust kernel Docker container.


Follow these steps to get started quickly, or skip this section if you want to learn how to run the container in more detail.

# Pull the kernel image.
$ docker pull aionnetwork/aionr

# Create some local storage for the container:
$ docker volume create aionr-mainnet

# Run the container:
$ docker run -it -p 8545:8545 -p 8546:8546 -p 30303:30303 --mount source=aionr-mainnet,destination=/aionr/mainnet aionnetwork/aionr

Rust Prerequisites

To use this Docker image your system must meet the following requirements:

  • 8GB RAM (16GB recommended)
  • 2 CPU cores
  • 1GB HDD space
  • Docker v18.0.0

The HDD space required only takes the Docker image into account. You will need a significant amount of space for storing the blockchain itself. The database is currently around 22GB in size.


  1. Pull down the latest Docker image.
docker pull aionnetwork/aionr:latest

> latest: Pulling from aionnetwork/aionr
> f476d66f5408: Pull complete
> ...
> Status: Downloaded newer image for aionnetwork/aionr:latest
  1. Create local storage for Aion image.
docker volume create aionr-mainnet

> aionr-mainnet
  1. Run the image.
docker run -it -p 8545:8545 -p 8546:8546 -p 30303:30303 --mount source=aionr-mainnet,destination=/aionr/mainnet aionnetwork/aionr:latest

>             _____    ____    _   _
>     /\     |_   _|  / __ \  | \ | |
>    /  \      | |   | |  | | |  \| |
>   / /\ \     | |   | |  | | | . ` |
>  / ____ \   _| |_  | |__| | | |\  |
> /_/    \_\ |_____|  \____/  |_| \_|
>2019-07-12 17:14:11 Starting Aion(R)/v0.2.5.a60ae38/x86_64-linux-gnu/rustc-1.28.0
  1. Press CTRL + c to shut down and exit the container.

Arguments and Configuration

There are several arguments that you can supply with the docker run command.

Configure the Rust Kernel

Once the kernel Docker image is pulled you can configure it by running the docker exec command in a separate terminal window:

docker exec -it <CONTAINER_NAME or CONTAINER_ID> /bin/bash

A list of CONTAINER_IDs and CONTAINER_NAMEs can be found by using the command: $ docker container list

This starts a standard terminal session within the container. You will need to install a text editor before you can edit any files, as the container doesn’t come with one pre-installed:

apt install nano


apt install vim

The configuration file locations will be printed upon starting the node:

2019-07-12 17:41:08 Config path /aionr/mainnet/mainnet.toml
2019-07-12 17:41:08 Genesis spec path /aionr/mainnet/mainnet.json
2019-07-12 17:41:08 Keys path /root/.aion/keys/mainnet
2019-07-12 17:41:08 DB path /root/.aion/chains/mainnet/db/a98e36807c1b0211

Then you can edit the .toml file associated with the network you are running. For example, if you are running the Rust kernel on Mainnet, then you should edit the mainnet/mainnet.toml file. If you are running the Rust kernel on the Testnet (Amity), then you should edit the Amity/Amity.toml file.

nano mainnet/mainnet.toml

Rust Networks

By default, running the image will start a node on the mainnet. To specify a network; for instance, the Amity testnet, use:

docker run -it aionnetwork/aionr:latest /aionr/

Rust Ports

The Aion Docker image is configured to run the Rust WebSocket and RPC servers, as well as allow connections from other Aion nodes. When running the Docker container, it is necessary to publish those ports if you use to wish these functionalities.

Port Connection Type
30303 P2P
8546 WebSocket

Rust Storage

In most cases, storage should be attached so that configuration and blockchain sync state can be persisted between each time the kernel is launched. You will need a separate Docker volume for each Aion Network, so it is recommended to include the network name in the volume name. To create a volume:

docker volume create <VOLUME_NAME>

To start the Docker image with the volume, where <VOLUME-NAME> is the volume name and <NETWORK> is the Aion network name (mainnet, Amity, custom, etc.):

docker run -it --mount source=<VOLUME-NAME>,destination=/aionr/<NETWORK> aionnetwork/aionr:latest ./<Network>.sh

That’s it, you’re done! See the aionr repository and Kernel wiki pages on GitHub for more on installation and configuration.