
We've put together a few examples of how you can use Aion Web3.js in your projects. All these examples use the minified JavaScript file instead of the Node JS console. This is so you can copy and paste in the code examples into a boilerplate project.

We’ve put together a boilerplate project that you can use to quickly start playing around with the examples listed here. You don’t have to use this project, and you can create your own if you want. To set this project up:

  1. Download the project.zip file.
  2. Unzip the package somewhere.
  3. Run npm install -g serve to install the Serve mini-server.
  4. Run serve to start a local mini-server.
  5. Go to http://localhost:5000 to view the site.

The only package that is installed by NPM is the serve package. It sets up a local mini-server that allows you to interact with Aion Web3.js properly without having to spin up an entire server or virtual machine on your computer. You can find out more about Serve on Zeit’s GitHub repository.

The code examples below only make changes to index.html and script.js. There is no need to change any of the other files. You should never make any changes to web3.min.js as doing so will likely break the framework library.

All the examples on this page return their outputs to the browser console. Make sure to call the function in your script.js.

Connect to a Node

You can connect to a node using a single line:

const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("ENTER_YOUR_NODE_URL_HERE"))

You can grab a node from Nodesmith or Blockdaemon if you haven’t got one already.

Once you’re connected to a node, you can run something like console.log(web3) to print the web3 object.

Return a Variable from a Contract

You can return a variable held within a contract using Aion Web3.js. Here is the code we will be using for this example:

const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("NODE_URL"));
const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount("PRIVATE_KEY");
const contractAddress = "CONTRACT_ADDRESS";
const methodName = "METHOD_NAME";

async function methodCall() {

    // Create the data object.
    let data = web3.avm.contract
        .inputs(["int"], [13])

    // Create the transaction object.
    const transactionObject = {
        from: account.address,
        to: contractAddress,
        data: data,
        gasPrice: 10000000000,
        gas: 2000000,
        type: "0x1"

    // Send the transaction object to the network and wait for a response.
    let initialResponse = await web3.eth.call(transactionObject);

    // Decode the reponse.
    let avmResponse = await web3.avm.contract.decode("string", initialResponse);

    // Print the response to the console.

To run this code you need to enter these 4 things on the top 4 lines:

  1. A node connected to the network you want to use: NODE_URL
  2. The private key of an account on the network you want to connect to: PRIVATE_KEY
  3. The address of the contract you want to call: CONTRACT_ADDRESS
  4. The name of the method you want to call: METHOD_NAME

If the method you want to call takes arguments, you need to enter them into the inputs section in the data object. You can add multiple arguments into the inputs section, and they should be entered in the same order as they appear in the contract.

let data = web3.avm.contract
    .input(["int", "string"],[13,"Hello world"])

If your method does not take any arguments, then remove the input section in the data object:

let data = web3.avm.contract

You need to call the methodCall() function from the terminal inside your browser to get a response.