Userlib Packages

Classes in the userlib package and userlib.abi package is optionally packaged along-side your contract code as common-case utilities and quality of life routines.

Classes in the userlib package and userlib.abi package are optionally packaged along-side your contract code as common-case utilities and quality of life routines.


The Aion specific implementation of the Java Buffer interface. Allows the easy encoding/decoding of primitive values. Take a look at the AVM API page for AionBuffer.

package aion;
import avm.Blockchain;
import org.aion.avm.tooling.abi.Callable;

public class BufferExample
    private static byte[] buyerInfo;

    public static void addBuyerInfo(Address ownerAddress, String carMake, String carModel, int price){

        // Allocate a new AionBuffer
        buyerInfo = AionBuffer.allocate(Address.LENGTH + Integer.BYTES + carMake.length() + Integer.BYTES + carModel.length() + Integer.BYTES)

    public static String getBuyerInfo() {
        //Wrap an existing byte array into a buffer.
        AionBuffer buyerInfoBuffer = AionBuffer.wrap(buyerInfo);
        Address address = buyerInfoBuffer.getAddress();

        int carMakeLength = buyerInfoBuffer.getInt();
        byte[] carMakeArray = new byte[carMakeLength];
        String carMake=new String(carMakeArray);

        int carModelInt = buyerInfoBuffer.getInt();
        byte[] carModelArray = new byte[carModelInt];
        String carModel=new String(carModelArray);

        int price = buyerInfoBuffer.getInt();
        return "Buyer address: " + address +
                "\n Car make: " + carMake +
                "\n Car model: " + carModel +
                "\n Date: " + price;


The Aion specific implementation of the Java List interface. A list is an object that contains one or more of the same type of element. You cannon have a list that contains both String and int elements.

Take a look at the AVM API page for AionList.

Create an AionList Object

private static AionList<String> carList = new AionList<>();
private static AionList<String> carListCopy = new AionList<>();
private static AionList<String> carSubList = new AionList<>();

Add an Element to an AionList

public static void addCar(String newCarBrand) {

Remove a Single Element from an AionList

public static void removeCar(String carBrand) {

Remove all Elements from an AionList

public static void clearCarSet() {

Check an Element Exists in an AionList

public static boolean checkCar(String carBrand) {
    return carList.contains(carBrand);

Get the Size of an AionList

public static int getCarSetSize() {
    return carList.size();

Add all Elements in a Collection to an AionList

public static void copyCarSet(){

Check if an AionList contains all the Elements of another Collection

public static boolean compareTwoCarSets() {
    return carListCopy.containsAll(carList);

Check if an AionList is Empty

public static boolean carListIsEmpty() {
    return carListCopy.isEmpty() ? true: false;

Remove all Elements from an AionList not within another Object

public static void keepCarSet() {


The Aion specific implementation of the Java Map interface. An object that maps keys to values. A map cannot contain duplicate keys. Each key is mapped to only one value.

Take a look at the AVM API page for AionMap.

Create a Map

private static final AionMap<Integer, car> cars = new AionMap<>();

Add an Element into a Map

public static void addCar(String make, String model, String color) {
    car newCar = new car();

    newCar.make = make;
    newCar.model = model;
    newCar.color = color;

    cars.put(cars.size(), newCar);

Get a Single Element from a Map

To send an element from within a map array to another part of the Java contract, supply the element’s id to the map array:

public static AionMap getCar(int id) {
    return cars.get(id);

To return an entire element from within a map array to somewhere outside the Java contract, you need to specify each attribute of the element.

public static String carToFrontend(int id) {
    return "Make: " + cars.get(id).make + " | Model: " + cars.get(id).model + " | Color: " + cars.get(id).color;

Get All Elements from a Map

To send all the element from within a map array to another part of the Java contract, simply request the whole array:

public static AionMap getMap() {
    return cars;

To return the entire map array to somewhere outside the Java contract, you need to loop through the array and parse everything into a String or another type:

public static String getCars() {
    Set<Integer> carIds = cars.keySet();
    String returnString = "\n";

    // Loop through each car based on their ID.
    for (int id : carIds) {
        String make = cars.get(id).make;
        String model = cars.get(id).model;
        String color = cars.get(id).color;

        // Add the car details to a String.
        returnString = returnString + "ID: " + id + " | Make: " + make + " | Model: " + model + " | Color: " + color + "\n";

    // Return the complete String.
    return returnString;


The Aion specific implementation of the Java Set interface. A set is a collection of elements with absolutely no duplicate elements. Each element in the set is completely unique.

Take a look at the AVM API page for AionSet.

Create an AionSet Object

private static AionSet<String> carSet = new AionSet<>();
private static AionSet<String> carSetCopy = new AionSet<>();

Add an Element to an AionSet

public static void addCar(String newCarBrand) {

Remove an Element from an AionSet

public static void removeCar(String carBrand) {

Remove all Elements from an AionSet

public static void clearCarSet() {

Check is an Element is within an AionSet

public static boolean checkCar(String carBrand) {
    return carSet.contains(carBrand) ? true : false;

Get the Size of an AionSet

public static int getCarSetSize() {
    return carSet.size();

Add all Elements from an Existing Object into an AionSet

public static void copyCarSet(){

Compare Two AionSets

public static boolean compareTwoCarSets() {
    return carSetCopy.containsAll(carSet);

Remove all Elements from an AionSet found within another Object

public static void removeCarSetCopy() {

Remove all Elements from an AionSet not found within another Object

public static void keepCarSet() {